Help Me Grow Early Intervention
One Step at a Time
Early Intervention (EI) is a statewide system that provides coordinated early intervention services to parents of eligible children under the age of three with developmental delays or disabilities. EI is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people in familiar settings. Every family served in EI will have a local EI team that consists of a service coordinator, service providers, and your family. Your team works with you in your home or other places you and your family spend time to develop a coordinated plan called an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). You and your team will work through your IFSP plan to use your existing supports and resources—and build upon them—to learn to enhance your child’s learning and development.
Need to make a referral?
Referrals for Help Me Grow Home Visiting and for Ohio Early Intervention can be made by calling 1-800-755-4769 or Online by clicking HERE.
Referrals can be made by anyone:
Family Members
Child Care Professional
Medical Provider​
Having Developmental Concerns?
Developmental Tools
Developmental Milestones
The CDC provides a list of what is typical for a child's development at different ages. Please note that if your child has a developmental diagnosis, these milestones may look different but can be used as a guide to what developmental step will be next.​
Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
The ASQ is a tool parents can use to get a professional opinion on your child's current developmental level. The State of Ohio offers this free tool to parents with children under 3.